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    Six years later

    Wow, how quick the last six years have gone. It only seems like yesterday that I was emptying my desk at the Inland Revenue after a 17 year sentence. It took me a little time to adjust to my new surroundings as a free man and free to start the next chapter of my life. I always had a passion for photography and it felt like a natural progression into it as a career. It hasn’t been an easy journey, lots of ups and downs. But I’m so thankful that I have experienced them, as it has made me a stronger person and has made my photography business something that…

  • News

    Life in Lockdown

    Life in lockdown has been very difficult, even for someone who likes to stay at home. The feeling of, let’s head out and do some photography was soon short lived when your dragged back to reality and oh, i can’t. So I have been spending time going over previous work and just dropping emails to clients making sure they’re safe and well, as it’s times like this when we need to be aware of how people are doing. I have also find the lockdown has had a significant effect on my creativity and has stifled it a little to much. Whereas I would get a germ of an idea and…